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Monday 30 October 2023

Railnews August 1985 - Restructuring continues

The August 1985 edition of RailNews - the NZ Railways Corporation in-house newspaper, focused on technical innovations and some of the restructuring of the business.  There are also many images of staff at the time.

Articles of interest are outlined below on a page by page as follows:

  • Computerisation of master train schedules, with software acquired from Westrail (WA, Australia)
  • Amalgamation of industrial and staff divisions into employee relations
  • Retail development planned for railway land near Mt Albert (which was built)
  • Restructuring of the Way & Works Branch to be more centralised
  • Review of plant and equipment for track maintenance, including track tamper machines
  • Investment in track upgrades expected to pay off in reduced costs per tonne-km shifted
  • Report of visit to overseas rail systems to learn about track maintenance elsewhere
  • Replacement of track gang buses (converted for maintenance) with specialised track maintenance vehicles
  • Contract let for direct connection between Southdown terminal and the main trunk line
  • General Manager's comment on important of remaining competitive noting measures taken to improve productivity and compete.
  • Significant growth in coal traffic in the North Island, with a focus on Waikato coal and proposals for new branch lines (none of which eventuated)
  • Staff raising money for Telethon
  • Staff news including involvement in sport
  • Radio broadcast for children on the ferry Arahura 
  • Growth in parcels business in Levin.

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